Can Chiropractic Work and Therapy Mix?

There is pretty good evidence to support the mind-body connection and how this relationship plays a role in someone’s mental health. One treatment for anxiety or depression or for an overall improvement of mental well-being is chiropractic treatment.

Both anxiety and depression decrease mental well-being and quality of life. These disorders cause both mental and physical symptoms. While the symptoms of these disorders are unique to each case, some common symptoms include insomnia, inability to relax, fatigue, migraines, and intrusive thoughts. With treatment, though, these symptoms can be alleviated.

Chiropractic treatment utlizes the mind-body connection when improving anxiety, depression, and mental health. Straightening the upper neck and spine can improve blood flow to the brain and improve mental health. Chronic pain can also contribute to anxiety and depression, and one study showed how chriopractic treatment helped improve both of these symptoms.

Chiropractic treatment can also help regulate hormones that contribute to mental well-being, such as oxytocin and cortisol. Many people have gotten used to living in a constantly tense and stressed state, and the realignment and straightening of the spine can relieve this muscle tension and stress that people didn’t even realize they were living with.

Both chiropractic care and massage therapy have been shown to lower blood pressure as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress. A study concluded that just fifteen minutes of massage therapy was enough to reduce stress in the workplace. These treatments have also improved sleep quality and helped with insomnia, which is one of many symptoms of depression and anxiety. Better quality of sleep improves overall mental well-being and can help decrease other symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Unlike antidepressents such as SSRIs, chiropractic treatment is a natural remedy, which is very appealing to some people. There is also minimal risk involved in this treatment and there are no negative side effects such as naseau, weight gain, and fatigue, that are sometimes seen in antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. Chiropractic treatment combined with talk therapy (such as CBT or DBT) can eliminate the need for these medications, allowing people to avoid the unpleasant side effects.

Chiropractic treatment is just one of many treatment options available for depression and anxiety.


Cady, S.H., Jones, G. E. (1997). Massage therapy as a workplace intervention for reduction of stress. Sage Pub, 84(1), 157-158.

Chu, E. C. P., Ng, M. (2018). Long-term relief from tension-type headache and major depression following chiropractic treatment. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 7(3), 629-631.

Depression, anxiety, mental health, and chiropractic care. (2019). Resources to Recovery.

Mental health benefits of chiropractic care. (n.d.). Dean Chiropractic.
